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We are giving away some @sunnybiggyfitness swag to a few lucky winners.

Do you workout with Sunny Biggy Fitness?

If YES, we want to see what your home workout space looks like.

If NO, then you need to sign up with Sunny Biggy Fitness now!

In order to enter our Instagram giveaway:

1. LIKE this post on @sunnybiggyfitness.

2. FOLLOW @sunnybiggyfitness and @sunnybiggy on IG

3. Take a photo of your home workout space where you workout with Sunny and POST to IG. (bonus points if you include yourself and/or family and extra bonus points if you include a picture of Sunny Biggy yoga mat).

4. On your post, TAG @sunnybiggyfitness and @sunnybiggy and tag one or more of your friends.

*Winners will be drawn the first week of January.