Valentine's Day in the Windy City Sunny Biggy Fitness Style

It seems like yesterday we were celebrating the New Year, and now in one month is another holiday. The holiday of love, Valentine’s Day. We have a great holiday package for you and your loved one.

Most couples celebrate Valentine’s day dining at a restaurant. However this year, it will be much different. The pandemic has caused the closure of many restaurants in the Windy City and for those remaining, they can only operate outdoors. What was once a common way to celebrate your love, this year, unfortunately, the dining options at a restaurant will be sparse.

We thought it would be fun to offer a healthy gift you can enjoy together. Therefore, we curated a special Valentine’s Day Couples package. This package offers two personal training sessions and one nutrition assessment. While we are still stuck in quarantine and lockdowns, make the most of it and get healthy together. Sunny Biggy Fitness will create two custom workouts that you will enjoy together and a nutrition assessment. Sunny Biggy Fitness will get you on a proper healthy routine.

Here are a few other Valentine’s Day gift ideas. Shop at the Sunny Biggy Fitness store for yoga mats, T-shirts, water bottles, bootcamp subscription, workout videos, and more!

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